Lynda Apostol

About Lynda

Lynda Apostol, also known as The Montessori Teacher is “a first”. First-generation born in the United States - Xicana. Firstborn. First to emancipate from her family as a teen. First to graduate college, to purchase a home, to marry outside of her culture and outside of the country. First to teach. First to use the Montessori approach and parent with intention. First to homeschool. She has two children who are five years apart & in different planes of development. Their father, Lynda’s husband & life partner, walks alongside her in guiding, loving, and supporting their children. She’s an avid "indoorsman" and can be found curled up under a blanket reading a book on most days.

Lynda has acquired a great deal of perspective granted by her education and experience in working and leading in public, charter, and public schools. She is a Montessori Coach who helps dedicated parents & educators get organized and learn how to follow the child and implement Montessori holistically. Her coaching program delivers on the Montessori promise: to raise confident, self-guided global citizens who love learning.

She considers peace education her life’s purpose and credits it as the primary reason for embarking on the Montessori journey.

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